Answers to commonly asked questions about scholarships.

Why is there a common scholarship application?

- The online application was designed to simplify and save students time to apply for several different scholarships through one process.

Am I eligible to apply?

- Each scholarship is set up differently to meet the wishes of the founding donor; therefore, each scholarship has its own set of requirements to apply and its own selection criteria.

I’m not a “straight A” student. Are there scholarships available for me?

- Most scholarships use a variety of selection criteria, not focusing on one particular measure. For example, many scholarships do not include academic performance as a selection criterion, and there are others that only require that you have a minimum GPA or that your class rank falls within a certain percentage.

I’m a 21st Century Scholar. Am I eligible to apply for any scholarship?

- 21st Century Scholars are eligible to apply for wicf scholarships, however most scholarship payments may be used for tuition and required fees only. Any awarded scholarship payments would be applied to tuition and/or required fees not covered by the 21st Century Scholarship.

If I graduated at mid-term, am I still eligible for scholarships?

- A mid-term graduate is considered to be part of his or her senior class and is eligible to receive scholarships designated for graduating seniors that will be awarded the May after he or she finishes high school classes.

Can I receive more than one scholarship?

- Yes, it is possible and even likely for many students to be selected for more than one scholarship.

How much does it cost to apply?

- There is no application fee.

What are the scholarship amounts?

- Scholarship amounts vary, with the smallest scholarships at about $100 and the largest ones at over $5,000. More than half of the scholarships are between $500 and $1,000.

What kinds of costs can my scholarship cover?

- Scholarship dollars must be used to pay for tuition costs, books and required fees.

Is my scholarship renewable?

- The majority of the scholarships are one-time awards, however; quite a few are renewable. Exceptions are noted in the scholarship descriptions.

When will I be notified?

- Scholarship recipients who are graduating high school students will be notified of their award at the Senior Awards Ceremony at their respective high schools. College students will be notified via telephone, email, or letter in May.

If I receive a scholarship, how is the money disbursed?

- • Upon notification of award, recipients will receive paperwork explaining how to receive their checks. Proof of enrollment from the school (such as a tuition invoice), a letter from the student expressing gratitude and goals for the upcoming school year and the name of the scholarship(s) that the student is requesting payment. Once this online process is completed, a check will be issued in late July/early August or within two weeks of receipt of required correspondence.
• Scholarship payments issued are made payable to the college/university and the student. The check will be mailed to the student for him/her to take to the school. Scholarships that allow recipients to use funds for books and other supplies will be distributed directly to the student upon submission of original receipts and grades.
• Some scholarships are paid in two disbursements. The scholarship paperwork will explain how the award will be released. It is important that you read all information in the paperwork carefully.

Who should I contact if I have questions about a scholarship or the application?

- If you are a current high school student, first contact your guidance counselor or the scholarship coordinator at your school. If you are not a current high school student or if the guidance office is unable to answer your question, please contact , Kim Eaton, at 765-793-0702 ext. 3 or