Covington High School
Andrew "Drew" Swanson Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Attica, Covington, Fountain Central, or Seeger High Schools and have lived in those school districts for at least 12 months prior to the application date. Applicants must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Activities in school and outside of school along with letters of reference are strongly considered in the selection process. Any high school student furthering their education through an accredited vocational/technical, a 2-year or a 4-year program may apply.
Brandon Simmons Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a graduate of Covington High School and must have lived in the Covington High School District for at least 12 months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full or part-time (minimum of 6 hrs.) student at any two-year or four-year accredited public or private college or university and must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. All Covington High School seniors are encouraged to apply. This scholarship preference is for those pursuing a degree or career in criminal justice, criminology, or law enforcement related degrees. If there are no applicants for the aforementioned degree paths, the scholarship selection committee will consider those applicants that meet all other selection criteria. Selection criteria includes community/volunteer service, financial need, school/work activities, letters of reference, and academic merit. Submission of letters of recommendation is strongly encouraged.
C. Elmer and Leona Barker Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a senior at Covington High School and accepted as full-time (minimum of 12 hours) students at any two-year or four-year public college or university in the United States. Several criteria are to be taken into consideration when selecting recipients. Applicants will be considered based on the following criteria: financial need, character, academics, and the applicant’s participation in church, school, and community activities.
Cameron Cheuvront Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) must be a Senior student at North Vermillion High School, Westville, Illinois High School, or a Wabash River Conference high school. Applicant(s) for the scholarship must be a part- or full-time (minimum of 6 hours) student at a two-year or four-year accredited public or private college or university or trade school. Students pursuing a field of study or career in the trades and technical career pathway are strongly encouraged to apply. Trade or technical pathways may include, but not limited to, aviation, machining, dental, CNA, electrical, welding, medical, plumbing, robotics, construction, and the like. Financial need is considered in the selection process. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount obtained from the FAFSA ( website) is required on the application. The scholarship is a one-time award. It is not renewable.
CentreBank Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a graduate of Covington High School or Fountain Central High School and must be pursuing a degree in the business and/or finance fields.
Covington Alumni Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be graduating from Covington High School and have at least a 2.5 GPA. Applicant must have lived in the Covington school district for at least 12 months prior to the the application date. Applicants must plan to be a full-time student at any accredited Indiana college, university, or vocational school. Financial need is considered and the application must have completed an Indiana College Cost estimator in order to include an EFC number on the application.
Covington Band Boosters Scholarship -
DONATEThis scholarship is open to all Covington High School seniors, however,priority given to those participating in band all four years of high school and those seeking a degree path related to music (e.g. music theory, composition, theatre, history, production, etc.).If there are no applicants participating in band or seeking a music related degree path, other applicants meeting all other criteria listed and showing financial need will be considered. Applicants must plan on being a full-time student (12 hrs. min) at an accredited two or four-year public or private college or university, must have a 2.5 or higher GPA, and must have attended Covington High School for two consecutive semesters prior to graduation.
Covington Book Reimbursement Program -
DONATEThis program is to assist Covington High School graduates with expenses related to books and required equipment for classes taken at an Indiana accredited four-year college or university or any two-year accredited college or university. Participants in the program must maintain 2.0 GPA or higher. There are three award levels. For those pursuing a two-year degree, the award is $200/semester for three semesters. For those pursing a 4-year degree, the award is $400 per year for three years. For those pursing a 4-year degree and were one of the top 12 Lilly Scholarship finalist from CHS, the award is $600 per year for four years.
Covington Citizens Scholarship Foundation Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. The applicant must be in the top 50% of the senior class based on GPA and must be accepted as a full-time student to any two or four-year accredited college, university, technical, or vocational school.
Covington Teachers Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a Covington High School Graduate and must be pursuing a major in education resulting in a teaching license.
Covington Volunteer Firefighters Association Scholarship -
DONATEThe primary purpose of the Covington Volunteer Firefighters Association Scholarship is to assist students that have demonstrated a commitment to the community as well as their desire to continue their education in the public service field. Public service includes those careers most closely associated with the work of fire fighting; including, but not limited to; fire fighting, fire inspection and investigating, emergency medical technicians, and emergency medical paramedics. In the event that the above criteria cannot be met, the scholarship will consider those students who are pursuing a career in Nursing and most closely satisfy the original selection criteria. Applicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student at an accredited two or four-year college or university and must be in the top 50% of the student?s graduating class based on GPA. Priority is given to applicants exhibiting financial need.
Dallas Ponder Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s), parent or grandparent must be a current Indiana Charolais Association (ICA) member in good standing for two consecutive years and/or is a member of the Indiana Junior Charolais Association (IJCA) for two consecutive years. Applicant(s) may apply during their high school senior year or during their college freshmen year and applicants may only receive the scholarship one time. Applicant must plan to be a part (6 credit hours) or full-time student at an accredited technical/trade school, two- or four-year public or private college or university. SAI (Student Aid Index) amount from the applicants FAFSA is required. This is a statewide stand-alone scholarship application.
Don and Georgeanna Ford Volleyball Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a graduate of Covington High School, must have been a player on or a manager for the CHS girls volleyball team, and received a varsity letter in volleyball during their senior year. However, if the player or manager was unable to earn the letter during her senior year due to injury, health or family related issues they remain eligible for the scholarship if they lettered in the previous year. Applicant must be accepted as a full-time student at an accredited college, university, or vocational school. Priority is given to applicants exhibiting financial need (must complete the College Cost Estimator).
Dr. Clarence and Martha (Cates) Davan Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) will be a graduate of Covington High School. The applicant(s) must be a resident within the Covington Community School Corporation for twelve months (two consecutive semesters during their senior year) prior to the application date or attended Covington High School for four consecutive years. The applicant(s) must be or planned to be accepted as a full- time (minimum of 12 hours) student at any accredited two-year or four-year college or university or vocational trade school, with preference to an institution located in Indiana. All Covington High School seniors are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The primary purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students that need a "hand up" (financially) and exhibit a strong work ethic and are concerned about the needs of others (compassion). Students who meet this criteria and all other criteria are to be provided preference for the scholarship. The applicant(s) must have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0. Several criteria are to be taking into consideration when selecting recipients. The two most important criteria are of near equal importance: a) financial need and to the degree that it is able to be determined b) a student with great possibility but that potential has not yet been realized at the high school level. The following criteria is of lesser importance, but can be taken into consideration when selecting applicants (ranked in order of importance): c) community/volunteer service, d) school/work activities, e) academic merit (GPA/class rank/type of diploma). In addition to the criteria referenced above employees of the City of Covington and the Covington Community School Corporation are eligible to apply for funding to be utilized for "certification" in their respective profession. The certification must be provided by some form of external review, education, assessment, or audit by an organization recognized by the City of Covington or the Covington Community School Corporation. The certification must be a requirement for the applicants current job position.
Dr. Malcolm C. Spencer, MD Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a resident within the Southeast Fountain School Corporation or the Covington School Corporation for 12 months prior to the application date and graduate from either Fountain Central High School or Covington High School. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student at an accredited college or university pursuing a degree in medicine (medical doctor) or nursing, have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average, and exhibit financial need. Award is for one year with the option to reapply.
Dr. William Somerville Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) must be a Senior student at a Wabash River Conference high school in western Indiana and participated for two years in the Veterinary Science Program through the WRCTE Co-op. Applicant(s) for the scholarship must be plan to be a part- or full-time (minimum of 6 hours) student at a two-year or four-year accredited public or private college or university and pursuing a degree pathway for Veterinary Technicians or Veterinary Medicine. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
Dr. William Somerville Scholarship -
DONATEProvides a scholarship to a senior student a Wabash River Conference School who is in the process of completing the second year of the Veterinary Science Program through the Wabash River Career and Technical Education (WRCTE) Co-Operative. Applicants must have intentions of pursuing a career in veterinary medicine or veterinary technician.
Evan R. Cork Model T Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a resident of Jackson Township in Fountain county Indiana for at least 12 months prior to the application. Applicant must graduate from an area high school (can attend any high school) or be home-schooled in Jackson Township and meet home-schooled graduation requirements. Applicant must plan on attending an accredited two or four-year college, university, or vocational trade school with preference given to Indiana institutions. Two scholarships will be awarded; one to a four-year student and one to a two-year/vocational student. Four-year students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and two-year/vocational students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. This scholarship is renewable, but only previous recipients can apply for renewal.
Fountain County EMS Association Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a current graduating high school senior from an accredited Fountain or Warren County High School. Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicant must plan to attend two-year or four-year accredited public or private college, university, or vocational trade school located in the United States and must be pursuing a degree/career in Emergency Services and/or Emergency Medical Services. The scholarship is a one-time award.
Fountain Trust Company Scholarships -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of a Covington High School and must live in Fountain County.
Fountain-Warren Master Gardeners Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a graduate of Attica, Covington, Fountain Central or Seeger High Schools or home schooled in Fountain or Warren counties. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student at any two-year or four-year accredited public or private college or university. The applicant must be a member of Fountain or Warren County 4-H. This scholarship is for those pursuing a degree in Agriculture or Horticulture. Selection criteria is based on (in this order) academic merit, financial need (an EFC from a FAFSA ( website)), letters of reference, school/work activities, and community/volunteer service. The scholarship will consider in the pool of applicants current college students as long as they have met the residency and/or high school requirements, and are considered a full-time undergraduate seeking their first degree. Two scholarships are awarded, one for a Fountain county student and one for a Warren county student.
Galloway-Hoagland Farm Scholarship Fund -
DONATEApplicants must be graduating seniors from Covington High School who are pursuing careers in Construction Trades, Automotive Trades, Library Sciences, or Teaching.
Helen VanDorn Shelby Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to any four-year accredited college or university and must have a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
Herman and Genevieve Simmons Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and/or Fountain Central High School and must be a resident of Fulton or Mill Creek Townships.
Hoffman-Aesculapian Scholarship -
DONATEThis scholarship is for those wishing to become a nurse or a medical doctor. This scholarship is not for those pursuing degrees in physical therapy, athletic training, or veterinary medicine. Applicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be accepted as a full-time student to an accredited college or university pursuing a degree in medicine (medical doctor) or nursing.
Hoffman-Trojan Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be accepted as a full-time student to any four-year accredited college or university.
Ian Claypool Hero Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School or a home schooled student living in the Covington school district. Applicant must be accepted as a full-time or part-time student at an accredited two-year or four-year public or private college or university. The applicant must have a 3.0 GPA and show financial need. The scholarship is for those pursing a human health career in the areas of nursing, medicine, or medical technology with preference given to those going into fields related to the treatment of cancer.
IEA Construction and Engineering Scholarship -
DONATEThe IEA Construction and Engineering Scholarship was established in 2016 to help students who wish to pursue a career in the construction industry by obtaining a 4-year college degree. IEA and its subsidiary, White Construction, hope to help develop future leaders within the construction industry by helping students with their college expenses.The application is open to all USA and Canadian dependents of current employees of IEA and their subsidiary companies - anywhere employees reside. Employment will be verified through the IEA Human Resource Department. The applicant(s) must be a current graduating high school senior or college undergraduate. The applicant(s) must be accepted as a full- time (minimum of 12 hours) student at a four-year public or private college or university located in the United States or Canada. The selected school must be accredited by a regionally accredited organization such as the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools or similar. Special preference is to be given to dependents of current employees of IEA and their subsidiary companies. Should no employee dependents apply or meet the criteria for selection, the scholarship is to be awarded to a student who meets all other criteria. One scholarship is to be awarded per year. The scholarship is not renewable. Former recipients are not eligible to reapply. Students must be pursuing a college major in the areas of: Engineering, Construction Management, Safety or Construction related degree fields with the applicant having the goal of earning a Construction related degree. High school and college undergraduate applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants must complete additional essay questions required by IEA. Financial Need is reviewed. All applicants must complete a College Cost Estimator at to complete the financial need requirements.
Jack Hunter Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High and have live in the Covington school district for 12 months prior to the application. Applicants must have community and/or volunteer service and letters of reference must be submitted with the application. Applicant must have a 2.5 GPA and show financial need. Preference is given to applicants that will be attending Indiana State University. Other accredited colleges will be considered if no applications are submitted from ISU accepted students.
Jackson Township Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a resident of Jackson Township in Fountain County Indiana. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student at an accredited college or university and must have a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
Jessica E. Coats Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Attica, Covington, Fountain Central, or Seeger High School and must have lived in one of those school districts for at least 12 months prior to the application. Applicants must be pursuing a nursing career and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Jim and Martha Wallace Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must have lived in the Covington High School District for at least 12 months prior to the application. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student or part-time student at Danville Area Community College (minimum of 9 credit hours) and must have a 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Priority is given to students majoring in music performance, music education, music composition, music business and/or music administration, or other music related degrees such as music therapy, musical theater, music theory, music history, music production, conducting, arranging, audio production, church music, jazz performance, film scoring and pedagogy.
Joshua E. Witsman Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEThis scholarship is awarded to a student with personal attributes that exhibit; kindness and compassion, willingness to help others, hardworking, someone who is driven to better their life/the lives of others/the community, someone that shows gratitude and thankfulness to those who have helped mold them into the person they are becoming (ie: family, friends, teachers). Applicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to an accredited vocational trade school, or a two or four-year college or university and must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Applicants must be pursuing majors related to a vocational trade career pathway (welding or auto mechanics), conservation officer, veterinary medicine, or a teaching career. Priority is given to applicants who exhibit financial need.
Judith Woodrow Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be accepted as a full-time student to any accredited college or university. Applicants must have a 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA and must be pursuing a degree in teacher education.
Kevin and Marilyn Woodrow Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to any four-year accredited college or university and must be in the top 50% of their senior class based on GPA.
Kirk Gentrup Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEOpen to North Vermillion High School seniors and Wabash River Conference senior athletes. Must have participated in athletics in high school. Must be of good moral character. This scholarship is not based on financial need. Further schooling is not limited to a university. Two letters of recommendation. Additional essay answering "What it would mean to you to receive this scholarship?".
Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship -
DONATEThe scholarship awarded to the Lilly Endowment Community Scholar will provide full tuition, required fees and a special allocation of up to $900/year for required books and equipment for four years of undergraduate study on a full-time basis leading to a baccalaureate degree at any Indiana public or private college or university accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Applicants must be a graduate of a Fountain County public high school (Attica, Covington, or Fountain Central) by June 30, 2021, be a resident of one of the Fountain County school districts for at least twelve months prior to the application date, and planning to be a full-time student at a four-year accredited college or university in the state of Indiana. Applicants must complete the application including submission of evaluations and financial information by August 28, 2020. Applicants must be willing to participate in the interview process which includes scoring based on: Academic Performance (20%), School Activities and/or Work (20%), Volunteerism (20%), Financial Need (10%), Evaluations/Letters of Recommendation (5%), Essays (5%), and Personal Interviews (20%). Applicants must also agree to Recipients Responsibilities listed in the application.
Mariah (Martin) Zabriskie and Sean Zabriskie Scholarship Fund -
DONATEProvides scholarships to graduates of Covington High School with a GPA of 3.0 or above. Applicants must be pursuing a degree in a STEM related academic discipline such as; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students pursuing a Business degree in finance, accounting, economics, or management are also eligible to apply. (not accepting applications at this time.)
Martin Jacob Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of an accredited high school in Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Warren or Vermillion counties in Indiana and Vermilion County Illinois. Applicants must be pursuing a two or four-year degree at an accredited college or university. Applicants must be a child or grandchild of a person currently serving active duty or has been honorably discharged from any branch of the United States military (including National Guard).
Marvin E. and Dorothy S. Bodine Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) will be a graduate of Covington High School and a resident of the Covington school district for at least a year (or two consecutive semesters) prior to the application. The applicant(s) must be or plan to be accepted as a full- time (minimum of 12 hours) student at any two-year or four-year accredited college or university, with preference to an institution located in Indiana. All Covington High School seniors are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The primary purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students that are pursuing a career in teacher education. However, in the event there are no teaching students who have applied, those who meet all other criteria will be considered for the scholarship. The applicant(s) must have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0. Several criteria are to be taking into consideration when selecting recipients. The two most important criteria are of near equal importance: a) letters of reference and b) scholarship application essays.
MasterGuard Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Attica, Covington or Fountain Central High Schools and must live in AHS, CHS, or FCHS school districts. Applicants must be pursuing a degree for Automotive Vocational or Mechanical Engineering.
Nancy Moreman Strawser Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduating seniors from Covington High School who plan to pursue a career in nursing.
Nathan T. Allen Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEThe scholarship is awarded to an outstanding high school baseball player that lettered for three years, exhibits strong leadership, character and sportsmanship. Applicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student at any two or four-year accredited college or university and must have a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA (based on a 4.0 scale). Applicants must have lettered in CHS baseball for three years.
Pay-It-Forward Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) must be a Senior student at Covington, Attica, or Fountain Central High School with a minimum of a 2.25 GPA. The applicant(s) must be accepted as a part-time (min of 6 hrs) or full-time (min of 12 hrs) student at any accredited two-year trade or technical school or two-year community college (maximum of 4 semesters) in the United States. Trade or technical pathways may include, but not limited to, aviation, machining, dental, electrical, welding, medical, plumbing, robotics, construction, and the like. Financial Need is required. An Expected Family Contributed (EFC) amount from the FAFSA ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is required. Letters of reference are required. The scholarship is renewable (two-years total).
Randall G. Shoaf Scholarship -
DONATEApplicant must be a current graduating student from accredited Fountain County High School and is pursuing a degree thru Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. Applicant must plan to attend Rose Hulman Institute of Technology and be a full-time student at RHIT for the fall semester following high school graduation. Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and/or 1500-SAT or 21-ACT. Academics, school/work activities, financial need, and community/volunteer service are all taken into consideration. It is highly recommended the applicant complete the College Funding Estimator and submit an EFC on the application.
Reagan and Hazel Mallett Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEThis scholarship is for students who will learn the business and economic principles behind running agricultural related businesses. Applicants must be a graduate of a Fountain County public high school and must be a resident of the Fountain County school districts for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to any four-year accredited college or university and must have a 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Applicants must be majoring in agriculture business operations or agriculture economics. Priority is given to those who exhibit financial need.
Richard Ashton Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be a resident of the Covington school district for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to accredited college, university, or vocational school and must be in the top 50% of their senior class based on GPA.
Rick Williams Memorial Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Attica, Covington, Fountain Central, or Seeger High Schools and must be a resident of the Fountain or Warren Counties for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to accredited college, university, or vocational school. Priority given to children or grandchildren of employees of Old National Bank located in Fountain or Warren Counties.
Robert L. Buser Service and Leadership Award -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must have attended Covington High School for four years. Applicants must have served as a student aid in the high school front office and have shown service and leadership to Covington High School.
Ron and Carolyn Howard and Family Scholarship -
DONATEThis scholarship is for students enrolled in higher education and will be issued to qualified students for the purchase of the required instructional materials (books or required equipment) which are recommended for the specific course that the student is taking.Applicants must be a graduate of Covington or Fountain Central High School and must be a resident of the Covington or Fountain Central school districts for at least twelve months prior to the application date. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student to any two or four-year accredited college or university and must have a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
Scott Stanton Scholarship Fund -
DONATEThe applicant(s) must be a Senior student at Covington, Attica, or Fountain Central High School with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA. The applicant(s) must be accepted as a part-time (min of 6 hrs) or full-time (min of 12 hrs) student at any accredited two-year or four -year college or university in the United States. Although not required, students seeking degrees in criminology, law enforcement, corrections, forensic and private investigations, and similar fields are encouraged to apply. Financial need is considered in the selection process. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount obtained from the FAFSA ( website) is required on the application.
Steel Grip Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington or Fountain Central High School and must be accepted as a full-time student to an accredited four-year college or university. Priority is given to children or grandchildren of employees of Steel Grip.
Susan Fischer Memorial 4-H Scholarship -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of a Fountain County High School and have live in Fountain County for 12 months prior to the application. Applicants must be accepted as a full-time student at any two-year or four-year accredited public or private college or university and must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicants must also be a 10-year member of Fountain County 4-H. All 10-year members are encouraged to apply. Preference is given to those students with strong community volunteer service and if possible, a career path in agriculture or health care.
Terry A. Badger, III Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) must be a senior student at a Wabash River Conference (WRC) School and must have played high school baseball for a WRC school. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and plan to attend an accredited technical/vocational school, or two or four-year college or university in the United States.
The Strawser Family and Jim and Wanda Clawson Scholarship -
DONATEThe applicant(s) must be a graduating Senior student at Covington, Attica, or Fountain Central High School with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA. The applicant(s) must be accepted as a part-time (min of 6 hrs) or full-time (min of 12 hrs) student at any accredited two-year or four -year college or university in the United States. Financial need is considered in the selection process. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount obtained from the FAFSA ( website) is required on the application.
Tri-Kappa Scholarship - Covington Chapter -
DONATEApplicants must be a graduate of Covington High School and must be in the top 50% in their class based on GPA.
VFW Post 2395 Scholarship -
DONATESelection priority is first to be given to applicant(s) who are the children and/or grandchildren of members of VFW Post 2395 or VFW Post 2395 Auxiliary. If no applicant(s) meet the criteria of #1 then graduates of Covington High School and who are also residents of one of the townships that comprise the Covington Community School District (Troy, Wabash Fulton, Mound) become eligible for the scholarship. Applicant(s) must be a resident of Covington Community School Corporation District for twelve months (two consecutive semesters during their senior year) prior to the application date. The applicant(s) must be accepted as a full- time (minimum of 12 hours) student at a two-year or four-year accredited college or university or vocational trade school, with preference (not required) to an institution located in Indiana. Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Preference given to those showing financial need. (EFC figure is required)