A variety of new endowment funds have recently been established to benefits area communities and high school students. For more details click on the link to learn more about each fund.
The new funds include: The Galloway-Hoagland Farm Scholarship, The Nancy Moreman Strawser Nursing Scholarship, Larry & Merry Addison Family Community Impact Fund, James and Martha Foster Family Unrestricted Fund, Don and Jane Coonce Family Fund, Delores Kokotkiewicz Covington Park Fund, Fountain County Teacher Classroom Supply Assistance Program, Dallas Ponder Memorial Scholarship, Mark and Kathy Haas Unrestricted Fund, John & Pauline Bossaer Unrestricted Fund, Clinton Community Improvement Fund, E. Stanley & Vera Shew Unrestricted Fund, Lawrence & Patricia DeSutter Family Farm Memorial Scholarship, Dr. William Somerville Scholarship Fund, Robert & Helen Shelby Community Fund, Marilyn’s Village Inc., John & Madeline Ives Community Fund, Terry A. Badger III Scholarship Fund, Coal Creek Cemetery Endowment & Pass-Through Funds, and more!
To learn how you can establish a fund to benefit your community contact Dale at (765) 793-0702 or by email at dwhite@wicf-inc.org.